Originally Posted by filtherton
Can I interject here and point out that telling people what they can and can't do on their private property is nothing new, and actually has a pretty solid foundation in protecting liberty? For instance: murder is illegal, even if you do it on your own property. Fraud is illegal, even if you do it on your own property. etc. You can't steal from me just because I'm at your house.
total strawman. murder and fraud can't even come close to the comparison of making smoking in the establishment illegal.
Originally Posted by filtherton
The people, via the government, have a very just and compelling interest in regulating the behavior of private businesses and private property owners. I would wager that there are some of us who wouldn't be here to argue if workplace safety and environmental regulations weren't in place.
"You can't tell a private business person what to do on their own property" is one of the most ridiculous arguments I've ever heard. Even if it weren't demonstrably false on many completely established and constitutionally acceptable ways, when taken as an absolute it's a completely misguided and naive personal philosophy to hold. Really. Have you ever thought about what would occur if all property owners were entitled to do whatever they wanted provided they were on their own property? This seems to be what you're advocating.
Childishness is thinking that because someone owns land or a business they can do whatever the fuck they want regardless of how it may affect the people around them.
using this argument, public health and safety, you'd better be hiring 5 million more cops and outlawing every single thing that's dangerous, including toothpicks.
i'm actually getting real sick and tired of advocating every regulation for public health and safety. It's just another progressive method of controlling the populace. It's absolute insanity to push for this kind of totalitarianism.