after a week ok lolling goodness, I just had a very frustrating experience. Teamed with a level 8,12 and 16 (who admitted to being premade, but playing on their actual accounts), we were matched against five level 30's, who were also premade. Worst of all, the best one of them had 500 wins under the belt. He was playing a very pro Gangplank, with crit dmg runes and masteries galore. Sure, my ELO is a bit inflated (cuz of you Joz) and I can get being matched with a full premade, , but the skill difference between my noob teamies and the opposition was vast. I was the most experienced on my team, and I've only played 270 games. I had less wins than every member of the opposition.
Needless to say, we were drawn, quartered, and raped up the ass.
"Failing tastes of bile and dog vomit. Pity any man that gets used to that taste."