A toast a toast!
To our wives and girlfriends! May they never meet.
The way I see it, when a man and woman marry, they give each other their bodies. If you want to screw half the whores in chinatown, you need to secure your wife's permission. In essence, it is because your sexuality no longer belongs to yourself.
If you are too uncomfortable to ask your wife's permission to kiss another woman because you have a feeling she would say no, your marriage promise will be void on your end if you proceed with the kiss.
If you talk to your wife and get feedback on a soft approach as to what she thinks about threesomes, you can more accurately gauge whether asking to sexually interact with another woman would in itself be a dealbreaker in your relationship.
As you've been married a long time, you probably already know the answer to such a question, and thus most probably come to the disappointing conclusion that she would be very hurt by the idea of you kissing her sister. This leads me to lesson number 1 on increasing sexuality within a male/female potential romantic relationship.
Treating this as a law of physics is what you need to do to be able to determine the final outcome of your situation. If you do not resolve yourself to the incredibly difficult task of distancing yourself from an attractive person who is sexually interested in you, the conclusion is inescapable. Cut. Print.