Stories of corruption are starting to emerge from the work of relief organizations at work in Haiti. This thread is a place for you to share what you have heard. Share news articles, personal experiences, stories you've heard from friends, reports you've heard on the evening news. etc.
Let's put all of these stories in one place - I'm curious if the rebuild after this major disaster will be as messed up as the post-Katrina mess in New Orleans.
Other food for thought:
Do you have any thoughts on why this is happening?
What is it about the psycological condition of these people that allows them to be taken advantage of?
What oversight is needed to prevent such corruption?
How do we keep such oversight from interfering with speedy relief?
The first striking article I found deals with a Baptist group that was trying to rush "Orphans" to safety in the Dominican Republic. These children were supposedly taken from distant relatives or from complete strangers who did not want to provide for them. Turns out, most of the children were taken from their parents or close relatives, and many of these parents are living in dispair over the loss of their children. The leaders of the Baptist group were taken into custody, but officials aren't sure if they want to undertake the effort to return the children.
Link to AP story-