when i wrote that the good mister stack is a metonym for the tea party, i meant in the specific, incoherent kinda ï'm bad as heck and not gonna take it any more" kinda way...the way the rather empty sentiment "i don't like taxes" gets routed through some strange critique of the catholic church then to the modern state as such then to the republicans who were in power in the past---all of which/whom are equivalent somehow because they were either ways of thinking about or part of the Persecuting Apparatus...because that is the political core of the teabaggers...the sense of Being Victimized and Being Snippy about it.
that's the only thing that holds together the various groups/tendencies that are crawling out from under the rocks on the right.
where the positions differ is on the "explanations" for this Victimization.
in other words, i think this guy connected the dots that lead him to rationalize flying a plane into a building using a way of thinking that's emblematic of the teabagger perspective. what i did NOT mean--like i said initially---was that therefore all tea party people will inevitably fly a plane into a building.
but he clearly stages himself as a political martyr and martyrdom is theater so requires an audience and in this case the audience for is fellow tea partiers.
he came out of that political context, he operated in that context, he spoke to that context in framing his suicide, he is that context.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite