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Old 02-18-2010, 03:37 PM   #20 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by The_Dunedan View Post
I was not referring to the building security, I was referring to the IRS Criminal Investigation Division. And if you expect me to believe they're -not- armed to their eyeteeth, when they're the bastards tasked with throwing people out of their homes and taking everything they own, we must have -very- different views of how Fed-level LE agencies "take down" their targets.
Have you ever been evicted for tax issues? My understanding is that the police are the ones armed to the teeth. And the police are not the IRS.

if you don't pay your auto registration, eventually an armed police officer will pull you over and your car will be impounded. Does this make the DMV a legitimate military target?
Originally Posted by The_Dunedan View Post
Because this sort of "terrorism" frightens only those people too dumb to realize they're more likely to die of snakebite or lighting-strike. It doesn't mean you play golf in thunderstorms, or leave your snakebite kit at home while hiking, it just means it isn't something to overly worry about.
I thought you said it was intent that matters. My mistake.
Originally Posted by The_Dunedan View Post
Ballocks. BS. Strawman. I never said such acts had to come from an organisation.
Look at what you wrote. The subtext is so obvious a blind person could see it.

Give me an example of a single person not associated with any organization who fulfills your very specific definition of terrorism if I misread what you meant.
Originally Posted by The_Dunedan View Post
Then you clearly haven't been paying attention.
I've been to several Tea party protests and I have photographic evidence to prove it. How many have you been to? How many people have you talked to at actual Tea Party protests?
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