Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Being tired of mainstream politics of all stripes in and of itself need not be feared (though no indication of ridicule). And such a stance need not suffer from the throes of emotional responses to current events.
With these particular people, however, it just might be the case. This doesn't necessarily apply to all within the Tea Party movement, but it appears there is a certain contingent that is a bit worrisome.
Every movement has a contingent which is worrisome. They represent, perhaps 5% of the movement. They insert themselves to have a platform for their voice, they speak, their ideas are rejected, and they go away. This happened in every movement in our history. It happened in the 60's quite a bit, in what were "left-wing" movements. Of course there is one big difference:
Might I point out that not a single act of violence has occurred at a tea party event. Oh, except when the anti-tea party protestors beat up two guys in (I think it was) Ft. Lauderdale. It's just exceedingly difficult to accept this boogeyman fearmongering when, in the 100s of events that have occurred around the nation, not one car has been overturned, window broken, tear gas canister dispensed, etc.