Stating the obvious, but there is a big difference between shooting a handgun and fighting with one. Formal training is mandatory for success.
I'd been shooting you-name-it for years and a few sessions with a carbine/pistol instructor improved my game exponentially.
I figure the old pelvis shot is best used for occasions where an assailant is drugged up or wearing body armor. I do not believe that it should be something that you practice at 7+ yards every time you go out to the range. Training to hit center mass, time and time again, is what will build up the muscle memory you need to put rounds on target when you're stressed the fuck out and can barely keep the gun stable. One good reason: it's "center mass," meaning there is room to fling a wild one and still get a hit. Because only hits count. Sure, you can practice aiming at alternate spots such as the pelvis or head, but the bulk of your training should be focused on brainwashing yourself into drawing and putting rounds into the sternum.
Last edited by Plan9; 02-16-2010 at 09:27 PM..