I've never liked Beck. As Will pointed out earlier, he sells himself as a libertarian while consistently upholding policies which are in direct, diametric opposition to the Non Aggression Principle. Additionaly, again as WR pointed out, he went out of his way to frame Ron Paul supporters as "domestic terrorists," even insinuating at one point that such people should be "handled" by the military: Neo-Con-speak for "Gitmo-ing" a person. However, his scattershot approach to most political issues (while it raises a lot of Birther-esque crap as well) has shone light into a lot of neglected (and VERY dirty) areas of the FedGov's operation. So, if for no other reason than that even a blind pig finds an acorn now and again, I think he should be left free to ask his questions. He should not be surprised, however, to occasionally find himself hoist on his own petard.