Originally Posted by snowy
It's not a big risk with cold milk containers; BPA leaches out of polycarbonate if it's heated or exposed to acidic conditions. The milk company is trying to find an alternative container but the process is slow-going.
Some small local dairies in the Midwest use the old style glass bottles, charge a deposit, etc.

The milk just seems colder in glass. Probably my imagination.
Originally Posted by Craven Morehead
I grew up on that!
On a dairy farm. Ever drink raw milk? Non-pasteurized milk. Been so long ago, but I can still recall it being somewhat sweeter. Much tastier.
We still keep a couple of small milk cows on the farm. Jerseys give great rich milk. Non-homogenized, of course, so there is thick cream (not as thick as cottage cheese, but so thick it won't pour -you have to use a ladle) on the top. Lipophobes, beware! We make our own butter (nothing better) and even cheese, mostly because even the little cows give more milk than the family can use now with most of the kids gone. We've never pasteurized and never had a problem. Just keep things very clean and cold.
You can approximate homogenized milk by running a mix of milk and cream in a blender for a couple minutes, although it does separate over time.
Originally Posted by Poppinjay
Well, kids died by the bucket load from non pasteurized milk in the early 20th century. So some hysteria is to be expected.
I drink skim, and love it. It's no longer blueish!
I don't think that the problem came from the bacteria in the cows gut, but rather from external contamination of the udder, or dirty hands or milking machine.