Alright, I finally figured out my new calendar. (for now)
seconds' and minutes' measurements stay the same. 60 seconds equal a minute, and 60 minutes equal an hour.
From there, I expanded my calculations abit, and learned that there indeed could be a static number of days in a month, with only one occurence of a leap year every other solar revolution.
So, with that, there are now 27 hours within a day's span, and 27 days that make up a month. There will still be 12 months within a year, but now the number of days that make up a year has been reduced to 324 total days. The number of hours present within a year is the exact same as that which would be found in the
old Gregorian Calendar, but my new method better disperses the "leftover" hours from uneven time intervals found within a year.
Reguarly, in the Gregorian Calendar, there would have been 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds left over from each Earth revolutionary cycle (a year), and over time, it was decided to have muliple intances of leap years, beginning with one every 4 years, and then some other ones every 50, 100, 1000 years depending. I also calculated that while this isn't very efficient in tracking exact dates over long spans of time, the way in hich the time was kept accurate was only off around ~8.72 seconds (in my calculations ; the official offseting stated by scienists is closer to an ~27 second differential in
true precision time.
My new calendar has a "leftovers" holding time of 17.82 hours precisely, but like the Gregorian Calendar above, in rough estimations, this can be rounded up in order to caculate when to add a full extra day, constituting a leap year.
So, with that, my new calendar will have 324 days in a
common year, and every other year, a leap year will be institued to expand the calendar to 325 days in a
leap year. (it's a cycle of 3: 324 days common, 325 days leap, and then 324 days common again.)
Additionally, because of the extra 32.4 minutes held over by undistributed time, over a period of 4 years, there will also an implentation of a
leap age, which will occur every 200 years. Whereas the Gregorian Calendar was accurate to within an 27 second differential (1 day every 3,236 years)
With my "yet unnamed new proposed calendar" system, it is accurate to within a .005 second differential every 1,000 years. (or 1 day left undistributed every 172,800,000 years)
helpful aid that assisted my reasearching:
The Leap Year and Leap Day - February 29