Originally Posted by ratbastid
You're still not thinking, Pearl Trade, but it's great how you're trying to. Here's a hint. Actual thinking results in new thoughts. I had a new thought a page or so up on this thread, and we batted it around a while. I'm not convinced about it, but one of the effects of thinking is that you can hold a thought lightly in mind and not get hung up on the truth or untruth of it.
You asked a great question. Why WOULD they attack us? If you set down all the answers you already know ("already knowing" is absolutely antithetical to what I'm calling "thinking") and start just sort of wondering about that question, why before long buddy, you'll be THINKING!
Actual thinking is very rare among humans and other great apes. Bertrand Russel: "Most people would rather die than think, and most of them do."
Arguably, you could say that the moderators have stepped in and put a stop to any thinking on this thread--at least down the lines we're now discussing. So... We may need to take this elsewhere.
You are acting like an arrogant ass. The fact that I have drawn my conclusions prior to your liking does not mean they are not thought out. The fact that I have drawn conclusions similar to others who you disagree with does not mean they are not thought out. I did my research years ago and I did it for years. I have read dozens of books on the subject, from both sides of the issue. I need not justify my conclusions to someone who believes they were derived by "not thinking".
What other human emotion motivates a person to slash the throats of women serving Coke to children, hack up pilots, and fly a 747 into a building filled with thousands of people, men, women and children? Find me the complex intellectual thought behind that motivation. The fact that I summarize it to a single word does not mean that I wasn't thinking.
...and perhaps, since we all get to witness your thinking outloud now, perhaps, just perhaps, the 8:00 hour was the only time in the day where four large passenger planes were leaving at roughly the same time and had the required fuel amounts for the mission - a load large enough to take the plane across country. There, since you are "thinking about it for the first time now"....eight years later, perhaps you should add that to your algorithm. Now, if someone wanted to minimize...er, as you put it...not maximize casualties...why not just hijack some puddle jumpers from the Atlanta to Charlotte run and use them? Don't answer that, the smoke from your thinking is stinking up the place.