Personally I think the application of Occam's Razor pretty much settles the issue for all practical intents and purposes. This does not mean that I would say no god exists, I have not been everywhere/when. Like has been said already, knowing whether a god exists, or ever existed, does not really contribute to our understanding of existence and is therefore a moot point.
The real pressing issue of our times, in my opinion, is not really whether a designer, or god, exists, but what influence the belief in such an entity should be playing in the ongoing, evolutionary changes that occur in the structure of society. It is my firm conviction that the present state of affairs will lead to our doom, but that is a different topic.
The unquestioned life is not worth living.(Socrates)
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.(George Orwell)
We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.
(Albert Einstein)
Hell is Truth Seen Too Late.(Thomas Hobbes)