Originally Posted by Willravel
We're not just talking about unchecked aggression here, Dude.
Well played. And I see where you're coming from, though I think we are approaching this in different ways. You are focusing on early prevention (which I agree with), though I have something of a philosophical problem with asking anyone to modify their behavior so that they will fit in. If a person lacks the ability to be a functioning member of society, then I'm all for teaching them the skills to live a fruitful and productive life. But if they are just kids who are happily doing their own thing, then let them be an individual.
The problem I see with the “early prevention” thing - when focused on the bully - is that it requires the parents to actually give a shit and the bully to be willing to make some sort of behavioral change. Some people are just violent dicks who will go out of their way to fuck up your day. The world is full of such people. That’s why I put less faith in preventative behavioral modification and more in an immediate response to bullying.
Originally Posted by Pearl Trade
What I meant by "physical violence never solves anything" was that when a couple kids fight each other its not like all the problems instantly go away.
When a targeted kid physically stands up to a bully, the bully learns that there are instant and tangible consequences to his actions. Every single bully I've ever met picks on smaller, weaker kids because they don't like opposition. Punch a bully in the mouth, and next time he will look for an easier target. There is always the chance that the bully might win, but it will come at a price. The nerd might lose, but he will walk away with his honor.
Physical violence is physical violence. Insurgents, just like schoolyard bullies, don’t like engage in stand up, bang-it-out fights with someone who can hand them their asses. The insurgents pick “soft” targets. They pick on girls schools and the defenseless local populace. When the American military fights against the insurgents “it’s not like all the other problems instantly go away”. So does that mean we should just pack up shop and go home?
Originally Posted by Pearl Trade
Also, Walt, how am I a coward for going with the "I am..." route? Like Iliftrocks said, if someone would call me a faggot I would say something along the lines of "hell yeah I'm a faggot" and not back down. In no way does that make me a coward. I didn't make myself look like a pussy, I didn't lack courage, I wasn't intimidated, I didn't take the shit I was given. Maybe I should have been more clear on that point before I was ignorantly called a coward.
You did take the shit you were given. If you are going to take the moral high road, why don’t you just walk away? You engage in the “Thank you sir, may I have another?” game because you want to feel like you’re standing up for yourself with out actually having to do so. In choosing that course of action, you are sacrificing your honor. It’s the one thing that you own that cannot be taken from you. Honor can only given away. And you, apparently, give it away wholesale. That is my definition of a coward.
I’m curious; where do you draw the line? If someone called you a faggot and your mother a cunt in front of your family, would you agree with them?