The two most obvious are the Gulf Of Tonkin Incident and Pearl Harbor, the attack on which was allowed to proceed unchecked in order to 1: protect MK-ULTRA and the Anglo-American possession of Axis codes, and 2: ensure US entry into WWII -before- England was conquered. The Churchill Gov't made the same decision in th weeks leading up to the firebombing of the city of Coventry.
I'm sorry but the belief that the US knew Pearl Harbor was going to be bombed ahead of time is complete BS. It actually started by Dewy when he was running against FDR during the war. It was BS, he knew it, and quickly redacted it during the campaign. The codes weren't MK-ULTRA, and the codes which they had weren't military codes but diplomatic. You see, we were in diplomatic talks with the Japanese. We also assumed that if they were to attack us it would be Guam or the Philipeans , we never assumed they could take a full armada accross the Pacific without us knowing. We were caught off guard, end of story.
Churchill deciding not to abandon the fire-bombed cities was accurate, they wanted to protect their knowledge of the codes. Tough choice.
MK-ULTRA wasn't codes, it was the LSD/Marijuana tests.