Originally Posted by scout
You forgot to add in all the millions the hospitals are making on other people's misfortune. Somehow that money is all lost in the shuffle, everyone just wants to concentrate on 1/2 the problem. There is much more to our health care woes than the 3.5 percent profits the insurance companies are raking in. For us to have real health care reform it will take much more than requiring everyone to get health insurance.
Actually I rant often about the amount of money that the hospitals and doctors are taking. I rant to my doctor friends and they agree with me that everyone is taking too much of a cut causing everything to be very expensive. One of my doctor friends recently told me he didn't think it was fair that he was given a 10% raise in the middle of a recession when health care costs are out of control. The guilty parties include (but are not limited to) doctors, insurance, hospitals, medical suppliers, lawyer happy patients and medical schools.