She never had a chance at Governor anyways, she was in a VERY distant 3rd.
For those unaware of Texas Politics. The governor has VERY few jobs. The position holds fewer responsibilities than most Representative positions within the State. The Lt. Governor actually holds the most power, the Governor position is simply a nice title and a coushy job. In the current race the 1st and 2nd place people are both Republicans, and the only reason he's running opposed is due to the Texas Republican party having issues with his executive orders.
For Example: The Senate and House of Reps in the state were both passing bills (running pretty much unopposed through both) that the HPV vaccine would be mandatory for all attending public schools. I dont know anyone who would oppose this measure, and had a 90% approval rating through the states (a few hardcore christians opposed as it'd increase sex in schools). Rick Perry then made an executive order calling for it. This isn't a big deal from the outside but VERY few executive orders have ever been made in the state, it was a grab for credit on his part and pissed off a lot of Reps who spent time writing and putting the bill through.
Thats why it's a split between Perry and Kay Baily Hutchinson. All others are considered Ron Paul's at this point, no one even knew Medina's name until Beck outed her as a 9/11 truther.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas