Originally Posted by fresnelly
I don't listen to Glenn Beck and know nothing of Texas politics, so I ask this purely out of curiosity: Does he normally go after 9/11 truthers on his show? Are they are regular target for his rants? Has he been fairly consistent in his dismissal of a 9/11 government conspiracy?
From what I understand, he didn't "go after her". There were whispers around her campaign that she had surrounded herself with people who were all truthers. Since he knew no one else in the media would ask her if SHE was a truther, he did. He was as much putting the whole thing to rest as anything else, he didn't know what her answer would be.
The general position on truthers is this: If you sincerely believe that your government is capable of exterminating it's own citizens, then you need to quit paying your taxes and you need to pick up your pitchfork. I mean, imagine what it says of your government if that is true.
My understanding of Beck's position on truthers is this: It is a ridiculous conspiracy theory and does not warrant any consideration. I think he feels the exact same way about the birthers - it's a ridiculous conspiracy theory.