Libertarians have a pretty simple non-aggression principle that's spelled out across the internet in simple Helvetica. Glenn Beck has repeatedly supported insane, neoconservative, chicken hawk war policy. He supports the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and is now pushing toward Iran and Yemen. I hate to pull a no true Scotsman, but it's antithetical to my understanding of libertarianism to engage in wars of aggression.
SImilarly, libertarians believe in limited government and strong civil liberties if I'm not mistaken. Glenn Beck supports still to this day the Patriot Act and its successors.
Libertarians believe strongly that the government has little to no business interfering with the free market, but Glenn Beck supported and supports the bailout.
BTW, Glenn Beck associated Ron Paul supporters with domestic terrorism. Repeatedly.
He's a neoconservative, Bush's policies on steroids.