Originally Posted by Gabbyness
Jet, I gotta say, this is one of the best pics I've seen in a while for captions. It's really limitless.
Thank you. I have a very replete inventory of pics in my portfolio, so I really try to maximize my opportunites at hosting a new round whenever I can.
If not, pictures like the one above just lay about, biding.
Originally Posted by Xerxys
suffer for your art!!
And with the final entry of this week's round, I announce the winner. Sorry Xerxys, for quoting you and maybe giving you a false sense of victory (even though I really liked your caption) but, this weeks best caption goes to . . .
Originally Posted by Fremen
Why, yes, daughter. I will extend your Rumspringa another two weeks!!
Yes, Fremen. Very choice selection of a short story's weave. The Parenthood woes and
Amish reference made my day.