there's no mystery about the appeal for the poujadiste set of sarah palin. there's no mystery what kind of nonsense constitutes its ideological base.
Beck's latest conspiracy: Van Jones, Pelosi, The Coming Insurrection and the revolutionary "populist rebellion bomb" | Media Matters for America
listen to some of the delightful beck or limbaugh flights into dissociative reactionary fantasy on the right of the main page as well.
it's pretty stunning stuff.
and there's ALOT of such material floating about.
this kind of nonsense is not new.
it's not interesting. it's just another instance of that kind of populist-to-fascist nativist jank that's been a prominent part of the rightwing underbelly of american politics since the reconstruction period.
it is kinda frightening that it is even a remote possibility that these people will get into power.
in the interest of being nice, i'll say that the media conduit that feeds people toward a teabagging perspective neither accounts of the detail of everyone's worldview who is attracted to that perspective, nor does it have to. it's enough that it resonates.
but it's pretty funny that when folk who swing that way are challenged, they try to distance themselves from the media channels that are responsible for the "perspective" getting any exposure which is the condition of possibility for gaining any traction or currency.
so it's all reasonable, what i may think.
but the fact is that it resonates with what these people are doing and saying.