Well I was always picked on my this one kid. He was always so mean to me. He would constantly come up with another mean thing to say to me every day. He made Jr High a horrible experiance for me. I also had one of those last names that gave kids the right to say stupid shit to me. But when it came to high school I was one of those kids that belonged to everyone's group. I had to deal with my friends from the popular crowd picking on my friends from the nerdy crowed. The guy I had a crush on since grade school was apart of the nerdy group. We dated on and off but I would get picked on constantly about being with him and that always made me give up on that relationship. If I could go back I would realize that I should not have gave a fuck about what others think of me. It makes me mad that I gave into my more popular friends. Now all the friends I still have are all the nerdy ones because they where always my true friends.