Lindy, I was being 100% sarcastic. One of my best friends is missing a leg and I'm tired of how much society shits on them over it. My comments were attempts to poke fun at those in the thread that don't get why people with physical disabilities should have better parking spots. There is a huge amount of injustice in the US for those with prosthetic limbs... just in the insurance angle alone. My personal favorite is that most insurance companies will pay for a goddamn wheelchair instead of paying a percentage for a leg so the person can walk. Quality of life? Fuck it, too expensive. This ties into the parking spot thing in that my friend is using a prosthetic leg that is painful to walk on because they don't want to have to sell their car, get a van, and use a wheelchair to get everywhere. It's pathetic. Some insurance companies even call it a preexisting condition. No, I woke up and it was gone!
I have the utmost respect for those who wake up every day, slide on a plastic leg, and kick more ass than all the dickheads in this thread combined.
That's my rub. I've got nothing but love for those with the stub. This is a good thread... I can better see who's a heartless asshole.
Ya know, aside from my dad.
I'm sure you're good people, Lindy. I just wanted to bit in my bit about the discussion topic in the way that I know best.
Last edited by Plan9; 02-10-2010 at 02:26 PM..