Originally Posted by Jinn
This was the gem for me. How long, indeed?
You aren't owed a close spot, no matter how many handicapped spots there are.
I agree 100%. Where did I say, or even imply, that I was somehow "owed" a close spot???
Also, red is one thing, bold and red is another, and bold, red and embiggened is another thing all together. No need to think yourself special simply because we didn't answer the question to your satisfaction. Is green better?
A different color is useful when responding to several quotes in the same post. It helps distinguish the response from the quote.
I choose red because it shows up well in all the different "skins" that I've used on TFP. You can change skin/appearance of TFP in the box at the extreme lower left corner of the page.
Jinn, you missed the point of the embiggening, which was not that I was special. The point, and reason for the embiggening, (sorry Xerxys, I kind of like the word) was to draw attention to percy's post, which was actually ON TOPIC after many of the others went off hither, thither, and yon. I'm certainly not the only one on this forum that is annoyed by the idea of the wandering thread. And while I will grant that the red was perhaps overly embiggened, (I'll edit to tone it down a notch) there was no
bold of any size or color anywhere in my post. My "satisfaction" with the answers had nothing to do with it. I hardly think that it is unreasonable to ask that posters stay reasonably close to the topic of the thread.
Isn't that why we give a title to the thread in the first place?
Originally Posted by Plan9
My favorite was "shrine to the handicapped."
What?? This surprises me, since you love to make irreverent smart ass comments in your own replies to people's posts? Look at any ten of your own replies in other threads. I usually enjoy them, (you're good at it) but please cut others the same slack. What else would twenty permanently empty forever and ever Hallelujah Hallelujah "Reserved for Handicapped - Permit Required" but never used spaces be but a shrine to the handicapped?
Nifty. Let's cut off one of Lindy's legs.
Oh, please. Don't cut off one of my legs for expressing my opinion. I'm only 5' 2" and can't stand to lose any height.
You have my permission to just go ahead and vandalize my valvestems if you ever find my vehicle in a handicapped space.
Which you won't.
I've read a lot of your posts, Plan9, and in most of them (smart assery aside) you are pretty rational. I also notice that you seldom refrain from cleverly making light of someone else's sacred cow. There must be something about the handicapped that throws rationality out the window for you.
I fail to see in my OP or my comments any attack on the handicapped. My OP addressed the seemingly irrational allocation of a scarce resource. My college major, graduate studies, and general nerdiness, make me notice things like that. Why have twenty blue signs when two ( or four, or six, or ten) would be sufficient. I never said we should do away with handicapped spaces. I merely asked why we had to have so many of them. And I certainly never condoned taking a handicapped space to which you are not entitled.