Rome: Total War. I'm playing the Egyptians and I have a massive army (Full 20 stack over 2000 royal spearmen, armored archers, light/heavy horsemen and my best general) that is currently advancing into Roman lands. At the ending marching day I think there is no single army that could take me down. I was right, so the Romans throw 3 FULL armies with generals at me in ONE battle. My 2000 experienced, battle harden men, verses over 7000 Romans (light horse, swordsmen, light bowmen, and generals). Because I was being attacked, I could pull back and setup my men and wait.
I had long spearmen that could setup in a phalanx formation. So I made a "ring" of men in phalanx formation, protecting my archers. I set myself at the highest point of the map I happen to be fighting on and set my archers to fire on sight. My general stayed inside the ring and my horsemen stayed outside to deal with their archers/horse. Two armies set upon me at once with the 3rd on it's way. I destroyed the first army with arrows and attacking his flanks (no real horse in the first army). They ran away as the second army attacked and the 3rd army walked on to the battle field. I started to lose men to constant charges and the generals throwing me unto my spears. I had two sets of spearmen in the middle that would rush into gaps, preventing the horsemen from attacking the backs of my men.
Wave after wave of Romans died on my spears, I was kept busy filling gaps in the line, reforming troops and running my tired horsemen all over the place. When the last general fell under the swords of my horsemen, the 3rd army broke and ran for the hills. For 1 1/2 hours I fought this battle SCREAMING at my computer, "HOLD THE LINE, HOLD THE LINE!"
It was a glorious moment that allowed me to take town after roman town with no resistance.
I did lose over half my army, but I was able to recruit more mercenary troops to fill the gaps.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich