I just had an OMFG! moment that inspired me to make this thread
I was sniping in call of duty 4 (this all happened within a few seconds, on moving targets) and shot the enemy. So far normal. It didn't kill him which set me up for the coolest moment ever. I followed him in my cross hairs setting up my kill shot, when I noticed a head bobbing at the bottom of my scope coming in the other direction. I pause for a split second, calculating trajectories, etc.
I decide to ignore him, but then he JUMPS up and aligns perfectly with my original target. I quickly aim and fire: the bullet kills him
in mid air, then
continues through him, and kills the guy 20 yards behind him! Everyone involved was like holy shit! NICE SHOT!
I've sniped people in mid air before (rarely though) but never killed 2 with a non-explosive round, much less when one of them was in mid air. Was so awesomesauce.
Now lets hear yours!