Originally Posted by Mantus
How can i put it simply: the GAME part of DA wasn't fun enough for me to keep me wanting to follow the story. If I wanted to read a fantasy novel I would but to me a good RPG should deliver both gameplay and a decent story.
I guess everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but I also have to disagree with your perceptions of the game. DA certainly doesn't reinvent the genre from the ground up, but it delivers a fantasy RPG experience that's just as great as BG, BG2, or any other game I can think of.
I love the magic system - focusing on different types of spells makes for VERY different mages, and the spell combos allow you to really open up your mage characters to interesting tactics.
Also, I dunno if you are playing a console version, but the PC version is quite challenging even on normal difficulty. I'm constantly required to pause and think for a while about tactics during a battle, which is a rarity these days. I'm also enjoying how mixing and matching characters, armor, weapons, spells, runes, etc. means that every time my party leaves camp it's essentially a whole different fighting group with immediately noticeable differences in strengths and weaknesses.
One last thing I'd mention is that I recently became an Arcane Warrior for my mage, which changes the very essence of my character. Instead of relying on my mage for support/heal/occasional nuke, he's now a hard-to-hit tank who opens up an extra slot for a rogue to mix in more ranged attacks than I previously could afford - and it's like I'm playing a different game. I'm very impressed with DA and how the experience change dramatically depending on how you approach each situation. (Three mages: awesome sauce. Er, until you face Revenants, anyways.)