Originally Posted by LordEden
Fly, I'm fucking digging the music (blueflytrio), if I smoked a big fucking fatty before the show I would totally get into the band. Not that I need fucking drugs to listen to it, but I listen to a bit more upbeat and faster music at home. This is chillization music.
Nice shit dude. You are still a fucker tho.
Also, I didn't make reference to nickleback. That took a lot of fucking self-control.
yeah....we fuckin' like to smoke up sometimes
..........i could put up our heavier shit but..........fuckin' savin' that eh.
i do realize that i am indeed.....still a fucker.
and fuck you on the nickleback fucking reference ya' bastard.........
Originally Posted by CinnamonGirl
There's some fucking Guinness in there with the fucking yucky beer... I'm fucking proud, fly.
yeah.........i fuckin' hear ya'.........i like me the Canadia beers eh....
but Guinness is the fuckin' bomb........
hahahah.......no ones mentioned the bag of fucking pot either.............hahaahhaha