This is a guide to using TFP's Video Chat hosted on This will show you what the channel looks like, a simple how-to, and will show you what you most likely find once you click on the big "TFP Video Chat!" button we all see on the main page. First, let's walk through logging into TFP video chat.
Tinychat is a simple flash based chat interface that doesn't need a lot of instructions to use. There is no added software to download (besides Adobe Flash Player, which most people have installed already), so just clicking on the link will bring you straight to the channel.
*Large Images Ahead*
This is the first window you will see upon loading the chatroom.
TFP's Webchat is now password protected. This is the first screen you will see upon joining chat.
The password is:
This is the login screen. Just type in your TFP Username and hit
Login. Simple as that.
**Please don't login under facebook or twitter accounts, long story short, it can cause our room to be flooded by non-TFP people**
After logging into our little chat room, you will see the next screen.
This is what chat looks like most of the time. There are no cams running right now, people are just chatting in the channel. Cams are not always running, most of the time you get less than 3 people actually on webcam at the same time. This also means
you do NOT have to have a webcam to chat in our channel. Most of the time it acts as a regular text based chat room.
As a quick reference, let's break down the chat room for anyone that is confused by the interface.
1. This button will let you pick your webcam and start broadcasting your webcam stream to the channel. You don't have to load extra software to do this, just have a working webcam attached to your computer.
2. This is the option panel that will let you change the settings of what webcam is broadcasting, if you want the sound in the channel muted, or if you want to use a mic in channel.
3. This is where you type text to enter into the chat room.
4. This is where all the text typed by the members of the chat room show up. You can scroll up and down if you need to go back to check something that was said in the channel.
5. This is a list of members in the channel right now. A star means that they are a "mod" or moderator in the channel. They have the power to kick/ban people and change settings in the channel. Only moderator/admins have this power in the channel.
Here are two more images of chat with one webcam and multiple webcams running.
This is what the channel looks like with one webcam running. World's King is currently broadcasting his webcam, which means that you can see (in real time) what he is doing. He supports TFP Video Chat.
Most of the time, Friday and Saturday nights (along with a few random times) look like this.
As you can see, there are multiple people on screen. The channel can have up to 12 webcams running at once and this does happen on some nights. I've even had to wait my turn to get on cam before

. Here we have a bunch of people interacting in chat and on webcam. A fun time will be had by all and we always welcome TFP members into the channel. So, come on in and start chatting it up with us!
This is what the channel looks like with a whole room of web cams. This is a rare event but it is awesome when it happens.
**Side Note:
There has been talk of nudity in the chat room. I will say there is nudity *
At Times* (less than 1% of the time) when you are in chat. If you think video chat is nothing but a non-stop parade of boobies and swinging dicks, you are sorely mistaken. Most of the time... this is the nudity you will see in chat.
Yes, I am shirtless for all the world to see. It is a horrifying thing, but please don't let it dissuade you from joining us in chat. I promise I won't let my chest hair bite.
If you have any questions about the channel, please email me (I basically live in that channel) or one of the mods for help.