I suck at fps on consoles. I'm a kb/mouse fps'er all the way.
that said, WoW is like the pre-school of gaming. You can quite literally push one button over and over to get to level 80, and since there isn't really an ending, it's up to a guild leader to act as the binary factor in saying "yay/nay" at your level of skill when it comes to raid performance.
Most raid leaders are too afraid of pissing people off to act in an official manner so you wind up with a bunch of soft gamers that cant even clear ulduar.
go back to games that required skill, try the atari. seriously, mindnumblingly simple, but all they could do was push you to the edge of your hand/eye coordination.
I feel that a LOT of the modern games now circumvent the challenge factor in favor of "telling a story"
You have to be able to dissect the 2 and figure out if you're being challenged or not. Often times the games that make you a better gamer aren't really rich on story, sad to say.
Try Demon's Souls vs any rpg and you'll get an idea of what I mean.