Originally Posted by dc_dux
The Tea Party movement which actually grew out of Ron Paul's support base was worthy of discussion.
When it was co-opted by the social/religious extremists with their "Obama is a Socialist/Fascist/Muslim extremist/Anti-American" nonsense and hate filled rhetoric and signs....they became Tea Baggers to me and worthy of ridicule, not serious discussion.
The irony is that Ron Paul is now facing tea bagger primary opposition. (link)
I have not been to any tea party events in 8 months. I condemn the birthers, the racists, and such that have somehow found a means to be heard. It is their presence which has me avoiding events.
However, fact is, the "teabaggers" label existed long before these nutjobs were allowed to speak at such a big event. The term was used from the get-go and is perpetuated in order to invalidate the "worthy base of discussion." It is to this point, I stand my ground.