With the FPS genre its all about map awareness. Knowing where your enemies most likely are, knowing the best positions to be in, knowing where all the guns and ammo are (if applicable.)
One time I was playing counterstrike and I was against this guy I could swear was cheating (was possible) because he was waltzing around and blowing everyone away in less than a second with headshot after headshot. So I watched him in view mode for a few minutes. He wasn't cheating, he just had excellent map awareness.
Every corner he turned around his reticle was already exactly where the enemy's head would be if they popped out from behind a crate, a corner, etc. His timing and movements were fluid and perfect. His reflexes were fast but it was 90% map awareness because his reticle was already in the right place, so all he needed to do was click to fire when he saw someone's head.
You know SWAT? You ever seen them train? That's practically what they're doing too, "map" awareness. They all cover a certain point and move their guns fluidly to areas they know they'll most likely encounter hostiles.