Originally Posted by rahl
The only way that I could see a way around that is if they are receiving any govn't money. If they are then congress should have the right to set executive salaries.
Pan: There's only handful of executives in coroporate america. And yes the may have a 7 figure salary. But the vast majority of business owners don't draw that big a salary from the company.
I'm not talking about the little guys either. I'm talking about the banks, the finance companies like Bear Stearns. The little guys still shaft the employees though, they just don't own companies making that kind of money, but most still pay labor wages that are below what they should be while they drive Hummers, live in mansions and take vacations whenever they want.
My point is, if WE the taxpayers give AIG, banks, etc bailouts and they take them... then we have EVERY right to demand how they structure their pays, their bonuses and where the money goes.
There comes a time like with pro sports, entertainment and with these clowns when you have to ask how much is enough, especially when the average American is living paycheck to paycheck, barely able to live.
I also love the argument from those who say, "well, cut back on what you spend on, you can do it."
Everyone I know has cut back, but that's not supposed to be America. America always prided itself on building a better standard of living for the next generation. To tell people to lower their standard of living and shut up and accept that those who own the companies and those who exploit the workers for wages that are not livable.... is a kick in the teeth to all that America once stood for.
There are no opportunities out there now. The money is not available and people don't make enough.
We are in a fucking depression, maybe not the whole country but where I live and in other parts where I have friends telling me how they are having to work 2 40 hour jobs just to live.... it's a depression to me.... Government, the finance people and press can all say how great things are but when you see people losing everything because those who employ them want a bigger house or a new vacation house... you should get pissed.
We are in this all together and when you have people losing everything while the employers are working on 3rd and 4th vacation homes, or the next new expensive car, or talking about how labor costs too much and they may have to layoff while they give themselves huge paychecks and don't take a hit.... something is wrong and you should get pissed.
To be in this together means when one end of the economic scale is tilted way down the other end needs to shift some of that weight back to even out the scales. Otherwise, you eventually have no one that can afford your product and you company closes and you are struggling. Unless, of course you are extremely wealthy, then you can buy everything up and we become truly a slave labor nation.