Why do i suck so much at.... (game genre)
Why, personally, do I suck so much at FPS games? I've played, in the past Unreal Tourney(all of them) and the Deltaforce series. Yet, I suck at halo. It's this whole Fps thing I guess.
Though playing wow for 5 years dosen't help i guess.
I started out wow as fps. Lol then on day a bud says.. "dude wtf are you doing? Didn't you see the pat coming up on your six?"
*sighs* then found out scroll mouse wheel out. A whole new world opened up for me. In pvp, on wow at least, i sucked till this.
ENTER 3rd person view. Now I could see everything. (well except damn stealth noobs, which i confess i play 2 of them)
Is it because I'm too used to seeing everything around me?
We bought a xbox elite (woohoo) and got a used copy of Halo 3 to goof around with. For me at least it was to play on Tuesday downtime from wow. And to play with my oldest son.
So, we play though campaign. I set us both up with 3 month live gold accounts. Enter the games.
We spent a day pouring over local host on the maps. I told me son, "we are doing this to lean the layouts. Choke points. Places to form up... etc" then off we went into a game.
small team squads of 5 each. Team slayer. In 15 games I got no kills. Smoked a whole pack of smokes. Put perm imprints on the bottom of the xbox controler (i kid) and spent more time dead than alive... *at one point i got kicked for betrayal with this flame thrower device, I had no idea it could wipe us all heh*
my son remained quiet the whole time racking up 36+ kills. Even went outta his way to splatter 4 enemies that had me pinned down. (my god he's good) and never mentioned I sucked.
(then i realized this kid of mine has been playing halo for months at his friends house when he goes over there)
Is it because I can't scroll out? That I cant see around me?
I watched a sandtrap video after a 16 man slayer. I watched in horror as 8-15 easy kills walked below me. I turned to look behind me.(I get paranoid in fps games) and they happend to walk right under me and i never saw them. Most just right past my LOS. I realized then all I have going for me is my limited field of view and hearing. Most the time, I get killed due to the fact I don't see someone.
Pointly, the 10 - 2 view spread. Most the time, they are at my 9 or 3 spot and bah. Am i so used to wows 3rd person view its ruined me to all FPS? or is it just this halo game?
No granted this controller im still getting used to. Its the aiming. When the pucker factor hits. I just cant get the *nudge* effect down to hit something. Wild clip spam ftw i guess.
Now, you give me a damn sniper type weapon. I'll kill you everytime. I mean you have no chance outside of creeping up on my back arcs and i cant see that. On a vallhala map, I got 36 head shots in that game. On the next map, I couldnt find a sniper gun, so I got only 4 kills and thats only cuz i had that crystal fireing gun that locks on someone. On team BR's i got that secondary gun 3 shot burst with scope. I can snipe but soon as it hits them they duck and cover till shields regen. AND they know where i am then lol.
My son, he says i just gotta keep playing till i get better. (then i have a nightmare of my old english teacher. She said, "you just have to keep writing till you get better.")
Do I have any hope of improvement? I hope so.
Even though I suck, I still enjoy halo multiplayer.
btw don't let me get the grav hammer. I went on a 22 killing spree with it. Got 3 people in a jeep thing, killed a guy in the flying machine. then caught 5 people stacked in a bunker area... etc.
Ended up, getting hunted by all of them the rest of the game. Though my team cheered my suckage at shooting, due to the fact i pissed off the red team so much, the blue time had easy kills the rest of the game. cuz the red team pretty much ignored them the rest of the match to find and kill me.
hell even my son screamed out in voice. Watch out my dad has the grav hammer.
On campaign mode, heh i see a brute with that hammer, i ignore everything else and donkeypunch to that hammer. Then my son hangs back to snipe while laughing at my antics.
He tells me its cuz i play a pally tank.. I run around get the mobs to follow me in a big group then wtfpwn hammer time. I think he's right.
It means only one thing, and everything: Cut. Once committed to fight, Cut. Everything else is secondary. Cut. That is your duty, your purpose, your hunger. There is no rule more important, no commitment that overrides that one. Cut. The lines are a portrayal of the dance. Cut from the void, not from bewilderment. Cut the enemy as quickly and directly as possible. Cut with certainty. Cut decisively, resoultely. Cut into his strength. Flow through the gaps in his guard. Cut him. Cut him down utterly. Don't allow him a breath. Crush him. Cut him without mercy to the depth of his spirit. It is the balance to life: death. It is the dance with death. It is the law a war wizard lives by, or he dies.