The TEA movement (Taxed Enough Already) and the TEA Parties started out as something magnificent, a huge groundswell of popular anger against the RepublCrat policies which have brought the US to the brink of financial, political, and social collapse.
It is being progressively infiltrated by Right-Statists of the worst kind. I was a fan of Mrs. Palin from the get-go, because she had significant promise to be the first effective advocate that rural people* have had in Washington in many years. She took the "Good Oil Boys" of Alaska to the mat, canceled the Ketchikan-Gravina Bridge when it went over-budget (and was then savaged for this simple act of changing her mind), and worked to introduce effective** predator management to control invasive species and preserve both livestock and native wildlife. However, she is evidently an Israel-first-er, which sits not well with me at all, and appears to have slid off into the muck and mire of [R]-brand DC politics. I am -deeply- disappointed in both Mrs. Palin and the TEA movement for these latest developments. Tom Tancredo, Joseph Farah, and all their excrementitious ilk are cordially invited to suck rotten eggs. I'm all for a literacy test before voting, but -only- if it's applied in all languages. Naturalised Citizens are Citizens too, even if they -don't- speak English, and the US has no official language. The idea is to keep morons from voting, not to keep ethnic, cultural, or religious groups from voting.
This bunch doesn't want to eliminate or minimise State power, they just want it in "the right hands" which they mean Their Own Hands. Disgusting.
*As distinct from Jimmy Dean Farms and Monsanto Corp.
** As opposed to feel-good, do-nothing, Sierra Club Crap.