Originally Posted by Lucifer
While I have no beef with the handicapped spaces, what really pisses me off is the Maternity spaces, which in many cases are closer to the store/mall/Wallmart/what-have-you than the handicapped spaces. And I will park in those without remorse. Why should I give up a close parking spot so some pregnant woman doesn't have to walk an extra 20 feet to the mall which she is going to wander around in all day?
Yeah, fuck pregnant women and their...um...wandering!
You really can't think of a potential use for these?
Don't understand? Then you haven't had a pregnant wife. HAVE had a pregnant wife, and she popped a baby out during the final stretch of a marathon because she's just that hardcore? Good for her, for every one of her, there are ten women who for months can only get the energy up to get out of bed for half an hour a day.
If I watched anyone male, or not obviously pregnant (you included) park in one of these spots, I'd be quite tempted to plan9 your tires for being such a self-centered douchebag.