I have one otherwise ablebodied mid-20's friend who has to take large injections every day to combat the pain from his crippling knee arthritis who rocks a handycap hang tag.
Also, my former boss has had a total of 13 knee surgeries. They do not fix the problem, they just reset the clock like a goddamn oil change and give him another 3000 miles, or whatever. He walks fine, until his tendons fail. Conserving steps is a priority. He also has a tag.
Finally, I don't assume everyone who needs to be close to the store has a hang tag. This is something I learned from my Dad. Much to the annoyance of my wife, I don't even play the parking spot game, I just park in the outfield where spots are plentiful and walk in, leaving the 'good' spots for people who need them more than I.
twisted no more