Originally Posted by Martian
What does piss me off is when people who have no need or right park in those spaces. If you've got two functioning legs, I can guarantee that walking an extra 20 feet won't kill you.
I have two functioning legs, except one functions worse than the other. Walking 6 feet was impossible and now, 6 months later, it's painful. My tag runs out in a week.
Originally Posted by woods
And yeah, I park in those spaces. I'm not breaking any laws.
If you are referring to the handicapped spaces and you are not tagged, yes you are, not to mention you are being rude. Here in NJ, the fine is minimum $100. While the fines might be regional, the use of specifically marked spaces without the appropriate tags WILL get you a ticket anywhere in the US. And seeing people do that really pisses me off.
Even with my tag, I won't park in them if I am not in dire pain.