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Old 02-08-2010, 12:19 AM   #223 (permalink)
The Reforms
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Location: Rarely, if ever, here or there, but always in transition
dearest diatribe

I seriously reckoned with the notion of not even bothering with this, but I'm not into 'private matters' all that much, nor just brushing things aside, so:

To any and all who may have been slightly offended by one of my 'creature comforts' posts, either on this page, or prior, I'll say to to you to get out of your box and mature a bit. I shouldn't have to spend a nearly whole-dedicated hour reading another forum's dicsussion of a few people's whimpers for the TFP to finally grow some decency standards and put its clothes back on, and then happen to find some cloaked responses that punch me across the bow. This is an adult board, hence the +18 registration rule, and the various guidelines to providing stimulating discussion, and the once-reinforced strict rule of not posting any children whatsoever in the forums. Why all of these measures? because this is a mature, adult-oriented commons that features heavy talks of sexuality, politics, and nature, all of which are done in what one would deem 'adult language' from time to time. I don't need to coddle anyone here, and neither do the moderators. I do appreciate that I'm not constantly reminded here at the TFP of how popular 'goatse' once was on the internet, but if you actually need to consider whatever else you happen to find on this page as 'offensive' or 'not offensive', it's just not worth the effort. Most of us who can label ourselves as 'fully-functioning adults' will realize that anything found here, or in all of Nonsense, or in Tilted Sexuality, or even in Found on the Net, is by all measures, tame. We know how to regulate ourselves because this forum allows us to be nothing short of who we actually are, and with that, display our deepest personalities and occasional interests unfettered.

Also, I'd like to wonder why such veiled comments about the structure above (I'm guessing this one) are all overwhlemingly negative. Is it different? Yes. Is it gruesome? Perhaps so. But so shockingly out-of-whack that I need to see it referenced nearly half-a-dozen times elsewhere on the forums as to how outrageous it was? That, is what seems outrageous. First of all, the animal is dead. Second of all, there is no 'gore factor' attached given that blood and guts (the eyes would melt away too) do not survive longterm, so this is merely a (false) effect given to the object's overall appeal and story. Third, it's just a frickin' taxidermy doll. In no way is it any more gruesome than watching Saving Private Ryan or reading The Kite Runner, so please, get off of your selective moral soapbox before it cracks.

I'm so drained of even having to try this hard, for little to no recognition at all,
in all facets of my attempts to interact, as well as extract,
positive starting points towards genuine interest or discussion.

(I'm not even sure why the hell I'm posting this pic if it's the exact opposite of how I feel. It was next in my queue, I guess.
Oh, yeah, I was meant to post this on late for 'Caturday'.)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's 'Bunday' now. Go nuts.
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
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