One more reason my wife/partner, should I ever one and should she ever get pregnant, will hopefully give birth at home. It is no business of Government, an institution characterised most properly the fact that the only things it does properly are rob people and kill people, to be collecting the DNA of myself, my hypothetical future children, or any member of my family. The invasion of privacy here is disgusting.
Originally Posted by Martian View Post
I seem to recall that not too long ago the US government also couldn't perform wiretaps without a warrant.
They still can't. The patriot act allowed for a "secret" court...FISA. It still requires a warrant
Actually no. FISA was set up during the Carter Regime. USA PATRIOT and it's excrementitious follow-ons radically expanded the scope of FISA, while equally radically degrading the protections contained therein. Hence "warrantless wiretaps" and all that. It's worth noting that much of this simply codified expansions which had taken place "under the table" during the Clinton Regime. It's also worth noting that the FISA "courts" meet in secret, have no adversarial process, have no appeals process, does not hear evidence other than that presented by the DoJ, and out of thousands of applications for warrants have only ever refused -two-. FISA "courts" exist to rubber-stamp the plainly unconstitutional demands of various FedGov "law enforcement" agencies.