Back when I was a wee lad, I remember my family getting milk delivered. I think it was only twice a week and the milkman would show up around 530-6am.
I don't remember if we ever got glass bottles but I do remember when we started getting either 2 gal. or 3 gal. plastic containers. These were huge rectangular containers that had a spring-loaded spout and you'd lay them on their sides in the fridge. My older brother and I used to run in for a quick drink... no need for a glass, just stick your head under the spout and drink like you would from the kitchen sink.
When my family moved to a different town we, of course, got milk from a different company... and it was in plastic bags. It took a little getting used to but we managed. The bagged milk also weened my brother and I from drinking from the carton/bottle... I think you'd end up with more down your shirt than in your mouth.
"The truth is merely an excuse for lack of imagination." - Garak