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Old 02-04-2010, 04:16 PM   #12 (permalink)
The Reforms
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Location: Rarely, if ever, here or there, but always in transition
Alright, to be fair, I'm not trying to divert the discussion at all, but merely adding an anecdote that relates to "milk oddities" and the containers /conveyances in which they once stemmed, and perhaps still remain in establishment.

I know this still may be regarded as common knowledge, but back in the 1950-60s, from when I can recall it was most common, a fair majority of American homeowners living in the suburbs received their milk by delivery. Riding around in their refrigerated trucks, not all too unlike their counterparts from the afternoon (ice cream truck, and in a diferent manner, the mailman), the milkman would make his dailly rounds of both providing milk bottles to suburban families, as well as retrieving the empty bottles once consumed. Throughout the years in which this practice was most commonplace, it would result in a veritable fleet of milkmen that are designated specific neighborhoods to patrol, deliver, and recover bottles to every single weekday. As the refrigeration technique in homes progressed, these daily milk deliveries would be reduced slight to every other day, then to 3 days a week or just a single bulk 6 bottle download for a week's ration. This practice was not only seen in North America (often a synonym for USA) but among her counterparts, being the British isles, European mainland countries, as well as Australia and Russian bloc satellites (though sans modern refrigeration methods). I'm not exactly sure how long this routine of a regulary milk-deliverer endured for, but I would not be surprised to learn if it was maintained for multiples decades.

Also, a personal anecdote for those who have ventured in and around Florida for some time: there are several 'milkstand' establishments that have been operating in Florida for decades now. The basic premise for these mini-stores is simple: they are much like convenience stores, but most of the ones I'm familiar with are exclusively 'drive-thru milk mongers'. You cannot walk around in the 'store', but when you drive up to it, everything that you can buy, say from gum, candy, cigarettes, soft drinks, or the main attraction, discount milk, is in full view from the moment you pull up to the window. Also, a commmon practice for these establishments is to offer a sort of 'incentives card', whereby if you are a frequent visitor, or not, you are offered a card that can be stamped, and once you reach a certain allotment of say, 10 or 12 purchases of single gallons of milk, you get the next gallon of milk free.

Last word: I honestly don't care if my milk comes in a carton, or a bottle, or even a bag, or a plastic jug; nowadays, not even powdered milk fazes me that much, and I've even had it delivered fresh, via pail. But so help me, if it should ever come in a can, I'm finished. (not condensed, mind you; fully drinkable. I use the condensed to make my 'dulce de leche' and caramel)
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
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