*Small cartoon devil appears on your shoulder again, smoking a cigar*
Ugh, I see my halo-toting alter ego has been here! How annoying. Anyway... listen up, guy... like I said, I'm the voice of practicality. Him? He's all about the mushy stuff that you can have with anybody. Hell, there are thousands of great girls out there that you can take to Paris, have kids with, or to subject to your kinky sex practices (ya know, the ones illegal in Alabama)... just waiting for you to discover them at the library, dating sites, or on Craigslist at 3 AM. Sure, you might have feelings for this one girl, but is it worth it to throw away your quality of life to be with this person? Religion may love martyrs, but the real world calls them fools. Nobody is going to help you out because you jump on this kinda grenade. Just think about your future together... heh, misery loves company.
It isn't about taking money with you... like that numbnuts in white suggested... no-no, it's all about being able to spend the money you make during this life in a way that allows you to get the most out of your time. Are you gonna bust your ass at the lumber mill all week for 40 years just so you can drive a late model hatchback, eat canned ravioli 6 days a week, and help pay off her debts... or are you going to grab a woman who's got life by the balls already and use your wages for higher education, health insurance, a mortgage, travel, eating well, saving for that all-important retirement, and driving a vehicle that doesn't suck your will to live. The naive answer is to follow your heart... but let's face it... following your heart is playing into junk bonds.
Sure, it's all very materialistic... but, hey... that's life. We've got these two hands... and the purpose of life is to do stuff with them, right? Right.
*Devil disappears in a smoke poof shaped like a cartoon middle finger*
Last edited by Plan9; 02-04-2010 at 12:51 PM..