First off Thank You to everyone who is chipping in and sharing there comments. Currently at the present moment I'm looking for exact verbiage on what EXACTLY to reply back as HR was copied on this email along with the managers boss. Can you guys help me create the email to send back? Tell me EXACTLY what to say and then I can tweak it from there. The thing is I have been working for him for 4 years and this just happened all out of a sudden. Can I ask what is going on here and what is he trying to do or use the humble approach and tell him to explain how I can improve myself? I do my job and do it pretty well I feel and hasnt shown me any proof otherwise? We work in an enviroment that is an open shared workspace so it is a TEAM effort on all items we work as a Shift. I understand the finger is pointing at me but I am just mentiniong he should be ALERTING all staff of WAN outages, as I look through all the tickets (out of a team of 12 - maybe 2 are sending it) I have started sending mine and making sure I do. As I mentioned this is a First time I am hearing about any issues with my performance, why was I not mentioned this earlier as he says its been going on since beg of the year? I feel one item is that he doesnt like when I try to strive for carrer growth. I have reptealty been trying to get out of this dept after I got my MBA but have been having SO MUCH trouble to strive out here without his support. He gives me no resources or any advocy but buy me a book and try to learn things within this dept to further your growth without networking with anyone.
Hes the type of manager that trys to avoid it and only has a disucession with me because he has too. He says my carrer is in my own hands and I am responsible for it! We had another verbal chat about this email yesterday as I brought it up to him and he says that its not that bad and its only a coaching session you will haveto do and more of a warning situation. He says hes not going to ding me on small things but wants me to do my job, however if it happens again we will need talk again. Before he sent this email out he did pull me in the office and tell me he was going to do it and I said "is that necessary?" he said its his job and he has too. What we talked in the room before sending this email is DIFFERNT than whats in writing. Should I go talk to my managers boss and keep my ducks in a row and have a chat to save my carrer? Thats BS!! he could have just document my file without. I understand my job is on the line but I NEED this job it keeps me and my wife on our feel but I def dont want to do this forever thats for sure. Maybe he is pushing me to find another job indirectly? Can I go talk to HR lady he copied direclty and disucess with her why I feel what he sent is unfair and UNTRUE mostly? Where is the factual evidendce?