Student loans are pretty much her debt till they are payed off. I don't think they can be transferred to you at all. When I got my divorce I agreed to pay my ex's loans, but the lawyer said that I still can't be held accountable for them if I don't pay. Talk to a financial advisor and get it straight.
Personally I'm in a similar situation. My GF has over 300k in medical bills from a recent bout with leukemia and if I marry her, I will feel the stress of repayment. Her credit is screwed too, because she couldn't hold jobs too well while she was on the chemo treatments. I'm probably still going to marry her when she finishes school and just get on with living.
What I'd really worry about is whether or not she can keep a job for any length of time. If she couldn't I wouldn't marry her.
bill hicks - "I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out."