spindles, Hamilton was a pretty interesting historical figure in his own right.
Alexander Hamilton
Reading about what all he accomplished in his life, starting from when he was orphaned as a teen, to when he was killed in a duel by Aaron Burr, you realize we (most people) lead a pretty pedestrian existence nowadays.
About the Aussie and Canadian currency, I'm jealous.
They look so colorful and much more interesting than US currency.
Btw, for those of you that didn't know, AB "Banjo" Paterson was the poet that wrote "The Man From Snowy River" and "Clancy of the Overflow", both characters that were in the 80's movies "The Man From Snowy River" and its sequel.
If you follow this link,
The Man from Snowy River (poem) it tells you the significance of why Banjo Paterson is on the Aussie's $10 bill.
Here's a quote from the link that I found pretty cool, as the poem is very long.
Currency commemoration and tribute:
AB 'Banjo' Paterson and "The Man From Snowy River" poem are commemorated on the Australian 10 dollar note [1]. The full text of the poem is printed several times in microprint as one of the note's security devices.
Here's a link to the poem.
The Man From Snowy River - The Poem