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Old 02-03-2010, 05:37 AM   #282 (permalink)
Jozrael's Avatar
Re: kill rewards.

Some champions do certain things better. Some farm really well, some push, some are great gankers. In DotA, death had a penalty. This was very good for competitive play: there was a balance between the aforementioned types of Champions, and there was a way to keep the enemy carry down! (Gank him over and over and over and over and you get the point).

Removing the death penalty in DotA was one of the FEW things they did to value casual, fun gameplay over depth of the metagame. In fact, I can't think of a single other major change (most things they try to make the game newb-friendly while not affecting competitive play in the slightest: see the shop layout). However, as such, the balance between Champions is much different. Especially on an enemy carry with teleport, even WITH the current kill gold, they could go 0/8/0 and still catchup to the farmed opponents by lategame. It's still very difficult to keep a carry down, and the gold/xp gain from kills is the main thing doing that (instead of hurting their gain, you increase yours more significantly).

As for the specific #s, I'm no game balancer. Also, the spree bonus is to allow comebacks (getting 1500 gold for ending a godlike spree).

Notably, way back in July or August, Tristana's explosive shot was only the passive, and it was majorly stronger (like 250-300 dmg or something at level 5). It was IMPOSSIBLE to stop her from farming. She's just sit in a lane for 25 minutes and nomnomnom moneyz. You could gank her 8 times in a row and she'd just hop right back in and farmfarmfarm. Of course she was unstoppable lategame.

This is a situation brought on by the lack of death penalties; at least with pretty high kill rewards you can hope to outpace her.

Last edited by Jozrael; 02-03-2010 at 08:25 AM..
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