Originally Posted by ratbastid
I remember when Bush II was elected, he was hailed as the "first CEO president". We can see how well that went. Guy was a fiscal train wreck.
HaHaHa that's funny. Like our current leader is a banner boy for fiscal astuteness and responsibility. And please save me the rhetoric about having to spend our way out of this recession as you know as well as I that was nothing but political bullshit. It was political bullshit when Bush signed the first recovery act and it was still bullshit when Obama signed the second one. It was nothing but a way for both parties to pay back political cronies. Neither one has saved or created any jobs to speak of. Unemployment still continues to stay steady or grow with each passing week. In fact in a direct camparison between Obama and Bush our present illustrious leader wins the spending battle hands down. With less than a year in office and single stroke of a pen he more than doubled the debt it took Bush to accumulate over 8 years. So please your arguments would be much more believable if you just called bullshit bullshit and spared us the bipartisanship.