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Old 02-02-2010, 02:42 PM   #278 (permalink)
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No offense, but a lot of what you suggested has (imho) very negative effects on the competitive metagame. Let's parse!

First off, biggest suggestion I have to you is /ignore and /mute (I never remember which is permanent). The instant an enemy says something that affects my mood, they're /ignore'd. I give more leeway to allies, but I'd rather ignore them than let them rain on my mood all game, even if it means I miss info.

I'm not sure how to help you with leavers/discers, etc. All I can say is that literally less than 5% of my games have a problem with that. Trying a new champ, eh, I don't see the big deal. To me what draws me back to a game over and over is friends and community. Sorry that a bunch of us aren't around, but try to make friends in random games that you can at least premade with. Maybe you have some RL friends who'd be interested.

Personally I don't feel offense is too high; I was very happy when they nerfed survivability items across the board. However, support champs are too weak. The reason they aren't designing anymore atm is the current ones aren't played enough. They want to figure out what they're doing wrong and fix that first before they make new ones. The patch notes for the patch today are a godsend IMO (with a handful of exceptions...really Riot? Pirate needed a harass buff?), with critdmg runes being nerfed. Personally I think they need to redesign that mechanic, but time will tell.

Re: tower diving. The problem here is that people want different things. I personally love that tower diving is so easy. It makes harassment effective. If you've been harassed out of your lane, you've been harassed out of your lane. Call for backup and heal up. If they're pushing and they're going to take the tower, they deserve it imo. Tower diving from full to zero is considerably less rare; generally tower diving happens when people judge they have enough hp to remain in lane, and their opponents can burst them down. I view towers as a strategic element, not a zone of safety. Again, this is all very subjective. But making towers much more effective at defending champions will really restrict aggressive play in the meta, which I view as beneficial.

Re: masteries. Being completely redesigned. Guinsoo feels your pain and he's working on them. They look AWESOME and much more fun (there's going to be several viable builds per tree, with multiple top tier elements to choose amongst, I believe you only get one).

XP gain on death streaks is being reduced, not sure when (or if already). Also keep in mind that kill xp is dependent on the one dying. It's 3/4 of that level (i.e. if it takes 3000 xp to go from level 5 to 6 and you kill someone at that level, you get 2250 XP). This means that there are many mechanics to limit boundless snowballing.

Also, snowballing is a Good Thing. It can be taken too far, but games that can't be closed are no fun, nor is it fun to significantly outplay a team for 20 minutes and then just get stomped from one bad team fight. I don't really understand what you mean by 10% deciding an entire game, or how much you played DotA: carries are FAR more tolerable than they were there (where it was possible to literally 5v1 with no gimmicks).

That being said, if you're getting tired of LoL, take a break! (But please come back later). I'm so damn excited for season 1 you have no idea. Riot's had a lot of what we've been asking for done for awhile, but they're going to release it all in one big celebration.

(That being said, todays patch had probbblems, we were way too busy on #lolsupport ><. I hope season 1 release is smoother, and somewhat soon).
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