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Old 02-02-2010, 12:19 PM   #277 (permalink)
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Location: The Cosmos
Yeah, I'm getting sick of the community too. I know its not MMs fault but the people. I get people who are trying a new champ or have connection issues in almost every game. So its always so one sided. And if its not the odds are I have to listen to some idiot adolescents bitch at each other. I'm only playing enough to get my win of the day in pretty much. At least until they release a new champ. Then I'll play a little more, then go back to win of the day (if that).

Perhaps the one sidedness stems from the lack of good support characters and how well the offensive characters do. With so much dmg flying around its a lot easier for games to snowball. I'm thinking perhaps AD needs a 15% nerf, and AP needs a 10% nerf (both of em across the board, including base). Offensive runes could also use a nerf, I think you know which.

Champs can tower dive way too easily, or tower dart more like. That is they can run in, cast a ranged nuke, and run out before getting hit. Or literally tower dive, run in, kill you and get away. You can be standing next to the tower and still get hit and they can get away. That isn't right. The towers are already long enough range, I think nearly all ranged nukes with decent damage need a nerf to their range (skillshots and pure mages withstanding; I'm thinking of nunu, kat, etc). There are already too many champs that can harass you or kill you past the range of your tower with skillshots. Letting nonskillshots do this is like a slap in the face to the champs that actually have to aim their skills. This would also help with gank-snowball effects. The only other thing I can think of would be to add an AOE slow effect near towers.

Or something to those effects. Perhaps slows could use a nerf (as that's often what allows early ganking snowball effects.) Nerf carries slows the most, tanks should be mid, and support should have the best slows/cc. And protective effects (sans healing) like jana's shield could use a buff. The defensive tree could also use a buff, I should want to use that tree on all my characters (if I like it), including mages and carries. That's how they designed them. But that's obviously not how they work. Mages (9/0/21) have a spec, tanks (0/21/9) have a spec, and carries (21/0/9) have a spec.

PS Oh and one more solution would be to decrease the death timer and decrease gold and EXP gain on kills. Death timer is already fairly short so I wouldn't shorten that too much if at all. But gold and especially **EXP** gain from kills should totally be nerfed. Talk about snowballing effect, twitch kills 10 people and is now 18 while everyone else is still 9-11 and also now has gold for IE and something else (actually happened yesterday, he also got center lane). He can now 3-5 shot the entire team with ult. GG. WTF? Since when should 10% decide an entire game?

Last edited by Zeraph; 02-02-2010 at 01:07 PM..
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